Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Way to communicate effectively with friend

(1)              Be trustworthy and honest
·         When you’re trustworthy and honest, communication becomes a lot less complicated.
·         If you remain open, honest and worth of trust with your friend, you’ll have a much easier time communicating with you friend and your friend will be a lot more willing to communicate with you.

(2)              Stay in the moment
·         When you devote you full attention to the friend you are communicating with, you’re more likely to have much better results.
·         If you want to communicating your thoughts effectively, you have to stay in the present moment and really be there when you’re speaking and listening with your friend.

(3)              Pay attention to non-verbal cues
·         If you want to understand what friend are thinking or saying, you have to do more than to understand what your friends are really thinking or saying. You have to do more than just listen.
·         When communicating, you look both at your own non-verbal cues and those others are sending you. There’ s a lot to be said for what’s not really being said.

(4)              Ask for feedback from friends
·         When it’s all said and done, one of the best ways you can learn to communicate more effectively is to ask for feedback.
·         Take some time to speak to your friends with frequently to find out how you can improve on your communication with them.

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